Adults Learning Music Support Group
This group is open to any adult student that is currently studying music with a teacher (or is seriously considering)
Adults Learning Music Support Group
Calgary AB Canada
Email: pianojazzlover@gmail.com
FB: Adults Learning Music Support Group
Instagram @pianojazzlover
Please use the form below if it is your first time contacting us. E-mail is the best way to contact us.
Please tell us a little about yourself and your music journey. If you would like to volunteer, let us know what special skills you have. We value all offers of help.
Donations welcome
Again, this will be dependent on how our group evolves but hopefully if we have enough interest from members to run it, we can incorporate it into a non-profit society or a charitable foundation. We thank you for donations whether they be in the form of cash, music learning opportunities or music experiences for our group.
Our Sponsors and Partners
Thank you to Steinway Piano Gallery for supporting us by allowing us to hold our monthly group meeting at their beautiful recital hall.